Approached in a stream of consciousness manner, Rana Rochat’s abstract-expressionist, encaustic paintings intuitively balance order and chaos. Rochat strives to create non-narrative works which are completely open to viewers’ emotional interpretations and visual perceptions. Without defined foregrounds or backgrounds, they exist as cohesive, lyrical environments of fluid lines, responsive gestures and inventive forms. Her method of layering wax and paint on panel creates intense luminosity and dimensionality, and furthers opportunities for her marks and drips to punctuate, intersect and build upon each other. Both charming and whimsical, her purely expressive works expose the relationships and interactions of forms, marks, color and depth as they form a dynamic whole.
Rana Rochat graduated from Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in printmaking and painting. Her work is exhibited frequently in Memphis, Atlanta, Calgary, Boston, Seattle, and Ketchum, Idaho, and is featured in the collections of the Dubai Consulate; Pacific Peninsula Group, San Francisco; NSA Corporation, Memphis; Paragon National Bank, Memphis; Blue Point Restaurant, Atlanta; FedEx Forum, Memphis; Hyatt Hotels, Washington, DC; Intercontinental Hotel, Atlanta; Neiman Marcus, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Atlanta; Nordstrom, Charlotte, Austin, and Atlanta; nexAir Headquarters, Memphis; Pfizer, Memphis; Saks Fifth Avenue, Miami; Mercer Capital, Memphis; Sunstar Insurance Headquarters, Memphis; Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Atlanta; Equifax, Atlanta; Fidelity Investments, Memphis; Hyde Foundation, Memphis; and Winston and Strawn Law Firm, San Francisco, among others.